Add Sparkline Formatters to Tabulator


I am using the code which shared by Marc and it is working really well.

Just a questions:
When I clicked the cell, The plot gone, Just curious, if we have any suggestion here

Kind regards

if you set it disabled, it should work.

@Hoxbro , I have 1 more question. If I use bootstrap and dark template, tabulator does not work.

@Marc - thanks for your providing your solution. On a related note - how can I customize the color of spark_bar?

The below does not seem to work:

Additionally - I am not clear on the purpose of including add_spark_lines_to_tabulator.min.js. It seems if I comment out this block then the panel still renders just fine.

The code works perfectly until i add it to a Bootstrap tab and serve it

tabs = pn.Tabs(
            ("dashboard", ui_sparkline.sparkline()),
