`axiswise=True` does not work

Hello everyone,

I have two figures side by side. They are two independent figures because they show two different things. I understand that Holoview checks if the axes are the same or not, and accordingly axes will be shared. But in this situation, I dont want them to be shared.

You can see here that y-axis is shared, and second figure is clipping my data.

I added opts.(axiswise=True) command for both figures but no chance. Firstly, I realized that X axis of both figures have the same name. I modified one of them, so x-axis is not shared anymore. However, I cannot break y-axis sharing, although they do not have the same y-axis name…

Maybe you can help me out :innocent:

This is my code;

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import panel as pn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hvplot.pandas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvas
from decimal import Decimal


%matplotlib inline
%matplotlib notebook

# Global variables
fig_width = 600
fig_height = 300

d = np.genfromtxt('visdata.dat', delimiter='\t')
row_data = pd.DataFrame(data=d[0:,0:])
d1 = row_data.iloc[1:,0:] # we use this data frame for plotting time traces.

def plot_multitimtrace(pixels = ["200","300","400"]):
    fig = d1.hvplot.line(x='0', 
                         xlim=(-3, 20),
                         xlabel='Time (ps)', 
                         ylabel='∆Absorbance (OD)',
                         width = fig_width, 
                         height = fig_height).opts(axiswise=True)
    return pn.Column(fig)

def plot_multitimspec(time = ["2", "30", "50", "70"]):
    x1= row_data.iloc[0,1:] #slicing first row of data as x-axis (which is pixels).       
    y1= row_data.iloc[int(time[0]),1:] #slicing time'th' row of data as y-axis (which is defined by time)
    y2= row_data.iloc[int(time[1]),1:]
    y3= row_data.iloc[int(time[2]),1:]
    y4= row_data.iloc[int(time[3]),1:]
    data_to_plot = pd.concat([x1, y1, y2, y3, y4], axis=1)
    mapping = {data_to_plot.columns[0]:'wl'}
    data_to_plot = data_to_plot.rename(columns=mapping)
    fig = data_to_plot.hvplot.line(x='wl',
                                  xlabel='Wavelength (nm)', 
                                  ylabel='∆Absorbance (OD)',
                                  width = fig_width, 
                                  height = fig_height).opts(axiswise=True)
    return pn.Column(fig)

graph3 = pn.Column("<br>\n#Plot Multi Time-Traces\n.", pn.interact(plot_multitimtrace))
graph4 = pn.Column("<br>\n#Plot Time-Spectra\n.",pn.interact(plot_multitimspec))

p = pn.Row(graph3, graph4)
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Instead of returning pn.Column from your functions I’d do this:

return pn.pane.HoloViews(fig, linked_axes=False)

Returning a Column is (slightly) inefficient since it adds an additional layer of nesting and internally just renders with a pn.pane.HoloViews anyway. The linked_axes=False options will ensure the axes aren’t shared.


Hi Philip,

Thanks! That worked! :slightly_smiling_face: I want to understand those concepts (layers, panels) better. I am reading the documentation of panel and holoview but I feel sometimes lost. Some stuff are still a little bit abstract to me… :sweat:

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Totally understandable. It’s also the case that axiswise should have worked here. Which version of Panel are you using?

Panel version is 0.8.3.

Oh, right, latest version is 0.9.7, I’d urge you to upgrade.