Customize chatinterface

As you can see in my ChatInterface, i put a custom name of user, for example “Asker”, but in the image you can see that Panel ignores it, and the question is made by “User” ( dont know were this name comes from ):

gui = ( ...

Edubot has different avatar in gui.send and gui.chatInterface… this is not very logic…should use the avatar defined in message_params

Also would be nice a message_params or similar were we can save different configurations and setttings…


set the avatars you want to use for each in call_message:
message_params = dict( default_avatars={ "System": "⟡", "Asker": "🤵🏻", "User": "🐦" , "EduBot": "X" },

As you can read in my code i had already …

Hi There, Any idea on how to have user prompts on right side of the chat and assistant responses on left side?

Not yet possible: