Discussion on best practices for advanced caching - please join

I have been trying out DiskCache. It is very, very promising. As I can get the cache is working between sessions and on (--dev) restarts. It also support a lot of advanced caching strategies like expiration.

And it’s simple to use. And it could be even simpler if I could get the @cache.memoize annotation to work. See memoize not working in Panel.




import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
import param
from diskcache import FanoutCache

pn.config.sizing_mode = "stretch_width"

EXPIRE = 5 * 60  # 5 minutes

cache = FanoutCache(directory=CACHE_DIRECTORY)
# pn.state.cache["cache"]=cache # Maybe I should cache the cache or something?

# restart

def _get_data(value):
    value_str = str(value)
    if value_str in cache:
        return cache[value_str]
        print("loading data", value)

        df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list("ABCD"))
        cache[value_str] = df
        print("data loaded")
        return df

class MyApp(param.Parameterized):
    value = param.Integer(default=0, bounds=(0, 10))
    data = param.Integer()
    clear_cache = param.Action()

    def __init__(self, **params):

        self.data_panel = pn.pane.Str()
        self.loading_spinner = pn.widgets.indicators.LoadingSpinner(
            width=25, height=25, sizing_mode="fixed"
        self.clear_cache = self._clear_cache

        self.view = pn.Column(


    @param.depends("value", watch=True)
    def _update_data(self):
        self.loading_spinner.value = True
        self.data_panel.object = f"Data: {_get_data(self.value)}"
        self.loading_spinner.value = False

    def _clear_cache(self, *events):

if __name__.startswith("bokeh"):
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I have tried adding the cachetools TTLCache on top. So far this seems to speed things up even more.

So updating the _get_data of the above example with

from cachetools import cached, TTLCache

@cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=1024, ttl=600))
def _get_data(value):
    value_str = str(value)
    if value_str in cache:
        return cache[value_str]
        print("loading data", value)

        df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list("ABCD"))
        cache[value_str] = df
        print("data loaded")
        return df

I will need to figure out how to get things working globally. Right now I think it’s working for a session.

Really good idea.
An adaptation from https://gist.github.com/GuiMarthe/8ebcc912fd9052ba64adc264900a9bb0

The bottleneck for me is essential loading of those data but I like the idea of decorators. It makes pandas processing clean.

def cache_pandas_result(cache_dir, hard_reset: bool, geoformat=False):
    This decorator caches a pandas.DataFrame returning function.
    It saves the pandas.DataFrame in a parquet file in the cache_dir.
    It uses the following naming scheme for the caching files:
        cache_dir / function_name + '.trc.pqt'
    cache_dir: a pathlib.Path object
    hard_reset: bool
    def build_caching_function(func):
        def cache_function(*args, **kwargs):
            if not isinstance(cache_dir, Path):
                raise TypeError('cache_dir should be a pathlib.Path object')

            cache_file = cache_dir / (func.__name__ + '.trc.pqt')

            if hard_reset or (not cache_file.exists()):
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
                if not isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame):
                    raise TypeError(f"The result of computing {func.__name__} is not a DataFrame")
                return result
            print("{} exist".format(cache_file.name))
            if geoformat:
                import geopandas as gpd
                result = gpd.read_parquet(cache_file)
                result = pd.read_parquet(cache_file)
            return result
        return cache_function
    return build_caching_function
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Thanks @slamer59 . You are thinking along the same lines as I am. :+1:

The DiskCache and cachetools above should be more general than dataframes. For example being able to also cache plots and machine learning models. But the pandas caching function you are pointing too could be more performant as it uses parquet to store the dataframes.

But I am in doubt if the pandas cache function can handle an intensive multiuser scenario? And it does not support expiration, tags/ namespaces etc.

Just my two cents.

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Thanks, Marc; it would be great to get better support for a workflow of editing a text file and iterating on the results. This issue doesn’t come up much for people (like myself) using Jupyter, because Jupyter makes it easy to execute one cell to load the data then have any number of other cells for iteratively developing visualizations and apps using that data. If using Jupyter isn’t appropriate, then yes, it would be great to have good on-disk caching to reduce the cost of getting feedback on your edits.

Thanks @jbednar

I think that caching could also help a Jupyter user. It could help in two ways.

  • During development in Jupyter the user does not have to manually download and save data if that is a slow thing to repeat. She does not even have to spend time understanding if she should serialize as json, csv, parquet, pickle or something else. She can just use a cache decorater and annotate the relevent function. Then the object will be persisted to disk. Then the data is there the next day as well when she reopens the notebook. And when testing the app the parts that don’t are not under development could have cached calculation results to speed up things as well.
  • In production it should be the same improvement as for editor users. Their apps will be much, much faster.

I think this discussion will get very confusing if we don’t completely separate disk and memory caching, preferably into different issues or discourse topics because the implementation and use cases are so different. On-disk caching will definitely help development when using a text editor, and may also be of use for external data sources that might go down (though I would hope that’s not your only copy of such data!). But I don’t see how on-disk caching will improve the app-user experience, which is the province of in-memory caching, already supported by pn.state.

Maybe you are talking about disk caching for datasets so large they don’t fit in memory but with an original source so slow it makes sense to store a local disk copy instead of re-querying, but if they are that big, seems likely to me that they’d need special handling (e.g. storing in a user-selected fast file format appropriate for that particular data type), not just generic memoization. So I’m not seeing how generic disk-based caching is going to make an impact on the app-user experience in typical cases.

Unless I’m missing something or confused about that (always possible!), I think we’ll be able to make progress much better if we discuss possible improvements to how an app gets things in and out of pn.state (e.g. easily persisting to pn.state via a decorator) separately from how pn.state (or other state) might get persisted to disk. To me those are two very different topics with different but complementary solutions.

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I’ve been exploring for a while and what I found is that a good and simple solution to use is DiskCache.

I’ve created the demo app below. Check it out https://awesome-panel.org/caching-example :slight_smile:


Reply to @jbednar above

The reasons why I’m not using pn.state.cache a lot is 1) There is no easy to use decorator with expiration. 2) It is not persistent - my apps are updated and restarted multiple times a day 3) The cache cannot be “pre-loaded” outside the app.

  1. Can could be relatively easily solved.

  2. and 3) Probably also could if you spend enough effort on it. But why do that when there are existing solutions like DiskCache and Redis?

By the way as I understand it DiskCache uses a combination of memory and disk - so for me its not a discussion of one or the other. But how to combine the two most efficiently.

Thanks for the investigation here. I would like to see two issues come out of this:

  1. Improvements for the in-memory cache based around pn.state.cache and pn.state.as_cached and memoize decorators.

  2. An issue discussing integration with an out-of-memory (i.e. disk cache). My main concern here is that disk caches are quite dependent on the kind of data you are meaning to persist, however since DataFrames are going to be the dominant use case I’d be quite happy to ship something in Panel to improve the caching experience there. At the same time though, a savy user will be able to achieve quite good performance by persisting columnar data to something like parquet and nD-arrays to something like Zarr. Beyond that an persistent in-memory solution like Redis will surely provide some additional speedup. In either case I’d love to see an issue discussing these options.

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@philippjfr.See also this comment on stacking caches https://github.com/grantjenks/python-diskcache/issues/192#issuecomment-770412879 from the developer of diskcache.

Thanks for making that video; looks great!

I’m not sure if we’re all talking about the same things here, so here’s an example of what I mean by disk vs memory caching: our new example https://examples.pyviz.org/ship_traffic/ that uses both types. First, it uses disk-based caching to Parquet files to capture the results of 10 minutes of processing a large set of CSVs, creating a Parquet file that takes 10 seconds to load. That way the full pipeline from the original source data is captured, while not having to run through it every time. Only the first time the script is run on a given filesystem does it ever need to build the Parquet file, at the cost of some disk space taken up that’s smaller than the original data. You could certainly run that in batch if you prefer.

pn.state is then used both to avoid having a user wait even that 10 seconds to load from disk, but even more importantly so that only a single copy of that dataset is needed in Python memory. If a new copy were defined for every user, the machine would quickly run out of memory, while reusing from pn.state not only speeds it up, but also avoids the memory issue.

Because these are two very different concerns, they were implemented very differently. Yes, a decorator could replace the explicit call to pn.state, which might be nice, though it wouldn’t be significantly shorter and a lot of people aren’t comfortable with decorators. It would also be nice to have some support for automatic Parquet-based caching of a columnar dataframe, but here that would maybe save a line or two of code and not be any faster. I’d be surprised if DiskCache or any other general-purpose caching solution could compete on speedup, but would be happy to be proven wrong!

I’m not sure how what you’re caching in your example relates to this; is it pickled HoloViews objects? If so that wouldn’t apply to the case in my example, where the HoloViews object isn’t weighty; it’s the underlying DataFrame that needs caching.

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I’m caching both dataframes and holoviews objects.

My work use cases seldom have static data. We get new prices, weather data etc. all the time. So we need to work with things like expiration.

We ask the database a lot for smaller, filtered datasets. And those requests are slow 0,5 - 5secs.

Hello @Marc, Do you have code or part of it for this example?

Yes. My example Caching Example (awesome-panel.org) has the code

The direct link is this https://github.com/MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-panel/blob/master/application/pages/caching_example/caching_example.py

Please note if you start using diskcache.memoize it does not work in the file/ module you panel serve for technical reasons. But it works in all other imported files/ modules.

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Thanks for your efforts here. You mention “ diskcache.memoize it does not work in the file/ module you panel serve”. Aren’t you doing that in your example?

@Marc In your example, the cache continues to grow each time the app is restarted & cache is enabled. Any ideas for an efficient way to handle this? I guess it depends on the use case and how often the cache needs to be updated/refreshed. Maybe adding a check for duplicates or overwriting the previous entry of a given key.

@Marc I’ve discovered why the cache continues to grow. Each time the app starts or is reloaded the SESSION_ID changes, creating new keys for the same data. Seems like this could get out of hand, although the expiration period may keep the cache relatively clean.

You need to provide a name as argument to diskcaches .memoize. C.f. memoize not working in Panel · Issue #166 · grantjenks/python-diskcache · GitHub

Anyone want to help work on adding a section about caching with diskcache here somewhere: Performance and Debugging — Panel v0.13.1

That’s where the problem lies. The SESSION_ID changes each reload, which changes the name, which adds new keys when the cache is used again.

Start app: cache size = 256 KB
Preload Cache: cache size = 671 KB

In [12]: sorted(list(cache))
[('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.0, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.1, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.2, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.3, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.4, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.5, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.6, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.7, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.8, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.9, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 1.0, None)]

Refresh browser, then Preload Cache again: cache size = 1.1 MB

In [13]: sorted(list(cache))
[('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.0, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.1, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.2, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.3, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.4, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.5, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.6, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.7, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.8, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 0.9, None),
 ('plot2fdede6d-5f6b-4235-89a7-98109dfde417', 1.0, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.0, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.1, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.2, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.3, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.4, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.5, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.6, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.7, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.8, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 0.9, None),
 ('ploteba67a99-b97f-4fb9-af88-5e7a671e06bd', 1.0, None)]

I know your example is just a proof of concept, but I’m interested in this issue because of the following:

  1. cache management - how to handle multiple users and single user with multiple instances?
  2. app restart and browser refresh/restart management - what happens to the state of the app and data?