How to Access Specific Levels in NestedSelect’s param.value Dictionary


I am having an issue with filtering an rx dataframe with the NestedSelect widget. With a normal Select widget, I can easily filter my DataFrame by using widget_select.param.value. However, this doesn’t work as expected with NestedSelect, since its param.value returns a param.Dict, and I cannot access its values the same way I would with a regular dictionary.

This is a minimal reproducible example:

import pandas as pd
import panel as pn

data = {
    "main": ["A", "A", "B", "B"],
    "sub": ["X", "Y", "X", "Y"],
    "value": [100, 200, 300, 400]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = pn.rx(df)

Usually with a normal Select widget I would filter the rx-DataFrame by using widget_select.param.value

widget_select = pn.widgets.Select(
    options=["A", "B"])

df_filtered = df[df["main"] == widget_select.param.value]

However with an NestedSelect the output of a NestedSelect is a param.Dict and I cannot access the value of the “sub” value with normal methods.

dict_nested_select = {
    "A": ["X", "Y"],
    "B": ["X", "Y"]}

widget_nested_select = pn.widgets.NestedSelect(
        {"name": "main", "type": pn.widgets.Select},
        {"name": "sub", "type": pn.widgets.Select}])

# Works but is not dynamic, does not update when changing widget value
df_filtered = df[df["main"] == widget_nested_select.value["main"]]

# Does not work
df_filtered = df[df["main"] == widget_nested_select.param.value["main"]]

Can you help me how I can access the param value of a specific level of the NestedSelect?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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I’d suggest using rx and pipe.

Tutorial on rx: