How to link Bars to points visible on map?

I’m trying to create a Bars plot that displays the value counts of the currently visible points on a map. Well, it’s a bit more advaced, because the Points linked in RangeXY are not necessarily displayed, as they are used as a source to create a hd.datashade if zoomed out.

What I have looks like it’s working at first glance, the bars change when I zoom the map in and out, but then the bars show flickering zero values, and also the datashaded points (and sometimes even other overlaid images) keep disappearing:

Sometimes it’s even constantly flickering:

If I comment out the function with the bars, everything works normally.

This is how my relevant code looks like:

original_wpc_hv_points = hv.Points(wp, ['easting', 'northing']).apply(...)
streams = [hv.streams.RangeXY(source=original_wpc_hv_points)]

def get_points_in_viewport(original_points, x_range, y_range):
    if x_range is None or y_range is None:
        return original_points
        points_in_range = original_points[x_range, y_range]
        return points_in_range

points_in_viewport = original_wpc_hv_points.apply(
    get_points_in_viewport, streams=streams

def get_wp_statuses_bars(points_in_viewport):
    df = pd.DataFrame(['cutoff_status_latest_result']\
    df.rename(columns={"index": "Latest Status"}, inplace=True)
    bars = hv.Bars(df, hv.Dimension('Latest Status'), 'Count').opts(
        invert_axes=True, color='Latest Status', show_legend=False, 
        height=120, toolbar=None, ylabel='', cmap=wp_category_color_dict_status)
    return bars

wp_statuses_bars = points_in_viewport.apply(get_wp_statuses_bars)

The print statements for the flickering example gives me this in a loop:

Latest Status  Count
0      Functional      0
1    Needs repair      0
2  Not functional      0
3         Unknown      0
Latest Status  Count
0      Functional   9413
1    Needs repair   4435
2  Not functional   2877
3         Unknown   2485
Latest Status  Count
0      Functional      0
1    Needs repair      0
2  Not functional      0
3         Unknown      0
Latest Status  Count
0      Functional   9862
1    Needs repair   4486
2  Not functional   2915
3         Unknown   2715
Latest Status  Count
0      Functional      0
1    Needs repair      0
2  Not functional      0
3         Unknown      0

Does anybody have an idea why this is happening and/or what’s the ideal way to achieve the same result without this issue? Thanks.

What if you wrap a hv.DynamicMap around this?

hv.DynamicMap(get_wp_statuses_bars, streams=streams)

But maybe that’s what apply is already doing.