How to style a single parameter of a Paramaterized Class

The Kickstarter Dashboard of I have a MultiSelect widget for selecting categories

I thought this was not really usefull as it took up a lot of space and it’s difficult to go from selecting all categories to just a few and back. So I wanted to try having a more vertically oriented version on the right side.

I could do this using Rows and Columns. But the I found that the MultiSelect was too wide. So I needed to set the max_width.

I was in doubt on how to do this as the documentation only says how you can layout a Parametrized Class


But I found it works for a single parameter of a Parametrized class as well.

pn.Param(self.param.categories, widgets={"categories":  {"max_width": 125, "size": len(self.categories)}}), sizing_mode="stretch_width"),

My question is. Is this really the right and best way to control the layout of an individual parameter of a parametrized class?

I needed individual styling because I needed to control a lot of things

def view(self):
        """A Reactive View of the KickstarterDashboard"""
        return pn.Column(
                pn.Column(self.scatter_plot_view, self.bar_chart_view, sizing_mode="stretch_width"),
                pn.Param(self.param.categories, widgets={"categories":  {"max_width": 125, "size": len(self.categories)}}), sizing_mode="stretch_width"),