Hi @CrashLandonB,
Edit: Can’t be certain but actually now I’ve found the post I think you may be experiecing similar issue reported as bug rather than what I’ve said below https://discourse.holoviz.org/t/panel-holoviews-decimate-event-processing-not-working-possible-race-condition/4641
My thoughts here are there is either too much data or there is something going on with the data that isn’t well liked maybe. The reason for my thoughts here is I reduced the data set right down to one param / test and zooming around is fine with a shortened real data snippet. To find where it goes wrong in that file I would just keep increasing by one param / test until it breaks, skip that particular param / test and continue adding others see if works still that way you should be able to deduce if quantity or issue in the data set causing the problem.
Also if I remember right, someone else recently posted an app where it demoed significant slowdown with number of graphs & curves on each graph. Again if I recal there was significant slowdown from about 4/5 grpahs with multiple curves you could be experiencing similar here. So far your app is working for me with 7 curves over three graphs… actually now I’m working up to 5 params, little bit of slow down but for me acceptable.
Hope of some help, thanks Carl.