Is it possible to save interactive dashboard created by the pipeline output from interactive() into a HTML?

I have created an interactive plot with widgets using the hvPlot .interactive() function.

The dataframe df_csv_concat looks like:

    regions 	        1982-1983 	2008-2009 	2010-2011 	2019-2020 	2020-2021 	2021-2022 	2022-2023 	RAIN_PERCENTILE_25 	RAIN_PERCENTILE_50 	RAIN_PERCENTILE_75 	RAIN_MEAN 	RAIN_MEDIAN 	Month-Day-3
0 	Northern Country    0           5 	        0 	        0 	        0 	        1 	        0.0611691030 	0 	0 	1 	1 	0 	1900-07-01
1 	Northern Country 	0 	        5 	        0 	        0 	        1 	        2 	        0.0945720200 	0 	0 	4 	2 	1 	1900-07-02
2 	Northern Country 	0 	        5 	        1 	        0 	        1 	        4 	        0.1001043840 	0 	1 	5 	3 	1 	1900-07-03
3 	Northern Country 	0 	        5 	        1 	        0 	        6 	        6 	        0.1138830900 	0 	3 	7 	5 	3 	1900-07-04
... ... ... ...

# Make dataframe an interactive object
idf = df_csv_concat.interactive()

# Set up a Panel widget
regions = pn.widgets.Select(options=list(np.unique(df_csv_concat.regions)))

# Set up a dataframe pipeline
ipipeline = (
        idf.regions == regions
    ][['Month-Day-3','regions'] + highlighted_years]

# Plot
ihvplot = ipipeline.hvplot.line(x='Month-Day-3', y=highlighted_years,
                                xlabel='Month', ylabel='Cumulative Rainfall (mm)',
                                xformatter=tickfmt, tools=[hover], ylim=(0,_MAX_RAINFALL), 
                                line_width=2, height=400, width=700, grid=True, line_color='blue', line_alpha=0.8,
                                xticks=DatetimeTicker(desired_num_ticks=12), legend=False)

# Save interactive output into a HTML page. This is where the error was raised., 'ihvplot_all.html')

I received an error:
ValueError: HoloViews pane does not support objects of type 'Interactive'.

Is it possible to export the interactive plot generated from the pipeline output into a HTML page?