Managing a lot of selections and widgets via dictionary, and using their data reactively

minimal example of something I’ve tried:

choices_w1 = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(name='Choices',options=[1,2,3,4,5])
choices_w2 = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(name='Choices',options=[1,2,3,4,5])

# The following doesn't work
drx = pn.rx({1:choices_w1.param.value, 2:choices_w2.param.value, ...})  # try to bind into a reactive dictionary
pn.ReactiveExpr(drx) #when choices_w1,2 change, this view doesn't change. it also shows the default value of the multiselects instead of the actually selected values

# kind of works, doesn't seem like good practice, though
def collect(*args):
    return [*args]
collected = pn.bind(collect, choices_w1, choices_w2)

# updates for now
def collect(**kwargs):
    return dict(**kwargs)
collected = pn.bind(collect, w0=choices_w, w1=choices_w1, w2=choices_w2)

# how I'm driving subsequent actions
def pipeline(collected):
    tmp = {kw:val for kw,val in collected.items()}
    s = pd.Series(tmp)
    return s

evaluated = pn.bind(pipeline,collected) 
evaluated # renders ok 

Again, I am hoping to have a reactive dictionary drive subsequent changes, instead of having to track and explicitly enumerate the 30+ multiselect widgets.

Ultimately, my subsequent code is uses a pipeline of calculations that does not know about param and is used in other scripts, so hoping that there is something I can do to turn the widgets into a standard data structure – is the this design pattern I’m using ok, where I take a reactive object, process it into a normal pandas object, process it, then continue passing it on?
