Using parameters like widgets


I am trying to realize the following panel structure.

  • widgets - a, b
  • widget - c (selection options change with a or b)
  • custom data - “data” (changes with a or b). Expensive step.
  • plot 1 - changes with widget c (depends on custom data)
  • plot 2 - changes with widget c (depends on custom data)

Current code to do this is:

a = pn.widgets.Select(name="a", options=[1, 2, 3])
b = pn.widgets.Select(name="b", options=[4, 5, 6])

c = pn.widgets.Select(name="c", options=[0])
expensive = {"plot_data": big_df}

@pn.depends(a, b, watch=True)
def _update_expensive(a, b):
    print("expensive step")
    expensive["plot_data"] = ....

    print("update widget c")
    c.options = list(range(0, a + b))

def _update_plot_one(c):
    return ...
def _update_plot_two(c):
    return ...

The current code to update the custom data is written along with the routine updating the widget c, since they have the same parent dependencies. However, with more intermediate variables, it’ll become unwieldy.

I want to create a custom class instead of a dictionary that can update itself with whenever widgets a or b change but can’t quite figure out how to specify widgets as dependencies, since they are not regular parameters. Is there a way to do this without writing the entire GUI as a subclass of param.Parameterized?

class DataHolder(param.Parameterized):
    w1 = param.Selector()
    w2 = param.Selector()
    def __init__(self, widget_a, widget_b):
        super().__init__(w1 = widget_a, w2 = widget_b)

    @param.depends(w1, w2, watch=True)
    def _updater(self): = ....

Thank you for looking at this.

The documentation points out using the low level links to set up callbacks, which offers one way to solve this.

class DataHolder:    
    def __init__(self, widget_a, widget_b):
        self.w1 = widget_a
        self.w2 = widget_b, 'value'), 'value')

    def _updater(self): = ....

Though I’d like to be able to use this as a dependency for downstream panes/widgets, so changes to this custom datatype trigger updates on them. The desired sequence of update events is:

widget a/b -> data -> widget c -> plot1/plot2.

With the current form, both DataHolder and the widget c receive updates on a change to either widget a or widget b, and the order in which they get updated isn’t guaranteed.

Hi @ananis25

I would actually not use the widgets as parameters. Instead I would create a parameterized model like the below.


import param
import panel as pn
import hvplot.pandas
import pandas as pd
from random import randint, randrange
import time

class DataHolder(param.Parameterized):
    value_a = param.ObjectSelector(default=1, objects=[1, 2, 3], label="A")
    value_b = param.ObjectSelector(default=4, objects=[4, 5, 6], label="B")
    value_c = param.ObjectSelector(default=7, objects=[7, 8, 9], label="C")

    data = param.DataFrame()
    view = param.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, **params):




    def _create_view(self):
        self.settings_panel = pn.Param(self, parameters=["value_a", "value_b", "value_c"])
        self.plot_panel = pn.pane.HoloViews(sizing_mode="stretch_width")
        self.progress = pn.widgets.Progress(sizing_mode="stretch_width", bar_color="primary")
        self.view = pn.Column(
                pn.WidgetBox(self.settings_panel), self.plot_panel, sizing_mode="stretch_width"

    @param.depends("value_a", "value_b", watch=True)
    def _update_data(self, *event): = True
        time.sleep(self._sleep) = pd.DataFrame(
                "x": [i for i in range(0, 10)],
                "y": [self.value_a + randint(0,10) * self.value_b for i in range(0, 10)],
        print("data updated") = False

    @param.depends("data", "value_c", watch=True)
    def _update_plot(self, *event):
        if is None:

        data =
        data.loc[self.value_c, "y"] = self.value_c + data.loc[self.value_c, "y"]
        self.plot_panel.object = data.hvplot(x="x", y="y")
        print("plot updated")


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Thank you Marc for the exhaustive answer! Since installing Panel yesterday, snippets posted by you on the forum have helped me a lot.

When serving the dashboard as an application, it clearly makes sense to put the GUI in a single param.Parameterized class, since everything is specified cleanly. Though for working in a jupyter notebook, it seems a bit inconvenient if I only want to add widgets around 3/4 parameters. Working with widgets feels natural in that changes needed are:

  • replace variables in my imperative code with widget.value.
  • add a panel.depends decorator around the methods that should be updated.

A panel/param construct that can wrap an arbitrary python variable and also have other widgets/params as parent/child dependencies, would probably be helpful here. I’ll look into subclassing one of the exposed base classes in the param library. Have you come across a similar use case?

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I came up with this but it seems to either throw a javascript error or run the update method multiple times for a single change, so I’ll go with creating the big Parameterized class. Thanks @Marc.

class FakeWidget(pn.widgets.Widget):
    value = param.Parameter(default=None)

    def __init__(self, name, value):
        super().__init__(name=name, value=value)

data_holder = FakeWidget("data_holder", data)
def _update_(data_holder):
    # update downstream widgets

Hi @ananis25

Would replacing pn.widgets.Widget in your code with param.Parameterized solve the issues?

No, that didn’t work. I think the pn.depends decorator needs widgets to be passed in, so inheriting from a panel Widget seems necessary.
My hunch is a widget also needs some corresponding javascript code (the web console had an error citing an unregistered class), so just subclassing in python didn’t work.

I apologize since you have already given a working example, could you please point me to any examples where the GUI is split between >1 param.Parameterized classes, and how to make them depend on one other.

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