Software Version Info
Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior
I have been experimenting with GeoViews with netCDF gridded data following the Gridded Datasets I and Gridded Datasets II pages of the user guide. Specifically, I want to flip through timesteps and have the map update quickly as I scroll. I am able to make basic interactive output when I only include the netCDF data. However, adding coastlines, country boundaries and other features rapidly increases the output file size and slows performance.
I am not sure if this is a user issue or if this is a bug. My question is essentially whether there is a better way to add coastlines and other similar features to a map that does not lead to these much larger files and slower interactive behavior.
Expected Behavior
Expected that adding map features (coastlines, state outlines etc.) should only have a marginal impact on file size and performance
Observed Behavior
Adding map features increases the output file size by a factor of 5 (2.2 MB → 11.0 MB) and greatly slows down the interactive map. In other words, following the example below, the output files have the following sizes
"gv_mwe_1.html" : 2.2 MB
"gv_mwe_2.html" : 355 KB
"gv_mwe_3.html" : 11.0 MB
Minimal Working Example
Note that code developed in Jupyter Notebook, but does not appear to be a Jupyter-specific issue
# ============================================================================
# Import Statements
# ============================================================================
import geoviews as gv
import xarray as xr
import as ccrs
from IPython.display import IFrame
# ============================================================================
# Prep sample data
# ============================================================================
# Load xarray sample air temperature data
ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature")
# Select the first 24 timesteps of 6-hourly data
ds = ds.isel(time=slice(None,24))
# wrap the xarray dataset as a geoviews Dataset and specify the native CRS
ds_gv = gv.Dataset(ds,crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# ============================================================================
# Create layout and map feature
# ============================================================================
proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# QuadMesh to display xarray / netcdf data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
qmesh =,kdims=['lon','lat'],vdims=['air','lat','lon'])
qmesh_layout = qmesh.opts(backend='bokeh',colorbar=True,projection=proj,)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gv.features for coastlines, state boundaries etc.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
map_features = (
gv.feature.coastline().opts(line_color='black') * \
gv.feature.borders() * \
gv.feature.states() * \
# ============================================================================
# Write Output Files
# ============================================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File 1: Qmesh Only
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
f1 = "./gv_mwe_1.html"
output1 = qmesh_layout,f1)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File 2: Map Features Only
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
f2 = "./gv_mwe_2.html"
output2 = map_features,f2)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File 3: Qmesh and Map Features
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
f3 = "./gv_mwe_3.html"
output3 = (qmesh_layout * map_features).opts(global_extent=False),f3)
# ============================================================================
# Display Outputs (Jupyter)
# ============================================================================
IFrame(f1,width=400,height=400) # <--- Works fine
IFrame(f2,width=400,height=400) # <--- Works fine
IFrame(f3,width=400,height=400) # <--- Extremely slow and unresponsive