CALL FOR PAID CONTRIBUTOR: Revitalize HoloViz Examples Website!

:globe_with_meridians::sparkles: CALL FOR PAID CONTRIBUTOR: Revitalize HoloViz Examples Website! :sparkles::globe_with_meridians:

Are you passionate about open-source scientific data visualization? Ready to make an impact on the scientific ecosystem? We need YOU!

We’re thrilled to offer a paid opportunity to contribute to the HoloViz project, funded by a $10k development grant from NumFOCUS. We aim to upgrade the HoloViz examples website (, transforming it into an even more robust, intuitive, and community-focused resource.

On the Agenda:
:mag: Updating existing examples to align with the latest HoloViz features.
:bar_chart: Crafting new, domain-specific visualization examples.
:books: Designing a template and guide to streamline contributions from newcomers.
:hammer_and_wrench: Advancing the adoption of best practices in modern HoloViz applications.

Seeking Contributors Who Are:
:arrow_right: Passionate about conquering contemporary visualization challenges.
:arrow_right: Developers eager to integrate with and contribute to the HoloViz community.
:arrow_right: Members of underrepresented groups in tech, offering fresh perspectives.

Benefits Offered:
:briefcase: Remuneration commensurate with experience.
:link: Regular mentorship sessions and check-ins with the HoloViz team.
:busts_in_silhouette: An influential role in enhancing the educational journey for future HoloViz contributors.

:calendar: Application deadline: November 30, 2023.
:rocket: Project commencement: January 2024 (flexible).
:timer_clock: Estimated commitment of 8-10 hours/week over several months, with project completion by August 2024.

Jump In:
Submit your application with your name, age, location, GitHub handle, email, and a succinct explanation of your suitability for this role.

:envelope_with_arrow: Apply at

For general inquiries, please leave a comment.
