Having xarray datastructures as the source for panel + holoviews GUIs is awesome.
One great thing is, that Dimension names are broadcasted directly from the xarray.
But if xr DataVariables names are have special chars involved like my_dataset/mean
, I cannot do things like:
hv_curve.select(x=(1, 2), y=(3, 4))
# or
hv_curve.select(my_xr_dim_1=(1,2), another_xr_dim=(3,4))
as a dimension would have the name
any_hv_scatter_object.select(my_xr_dim_1=(1,2), my_dataset/mean=(3,4))
which of course raises a syntax error.
I don’t know how to rename the dimension (same problem as above) like:
curve.redim(no good/name='name_without_special_character')
Is there a way to treat with that or do I have to change all the names in the xarrays to have no special chars?