Can't display Altair chart using Pycharm

Hi, I hope that you are doing fine!
I’m trying to display an altair chart , it works just fine as shown below:

but it’s not the case using Pycharm, I tried out different suggestion but nothing seem to work, this is a screen shot of my JS Console:

Any help Please

Could you provide some breakdown of the various versions you have? Specificaally I’d be interested in Panel, Bokeh and pyviz_comms versions.

I have:
bokeh 2.0.2
panel 0.9.5
pyviz-comms 0.7.5

Honestly I’m not quite sure this can be supported in PyCharm which clearly ships with an older browser. Looking at the screenshot again it looks like vega-lite is using JS features not supported in whatever browser version PyCharm ships with. Can you get a regular altair plot working without Panel?

Hey @philippjfr I get the altair plot working with panel, by uninstalling and reinstalling altair, Thank you :slight_smile: