Can't seem to add the Panel Preview button to my JupyterLab

Hi Holoviz discourse,

I am trying to get the Preview with Panel button on my JupyterLab installation but can not seem to do so. I followed these instructions, updated my jupyterlab and panel versions, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I can see this was added to a jupyter_notebook_config.json file in my .jupyter/

  "NotebookApp": {
    "nbserver_extensions": {
      "": true

I shut down the Jupyterlab server and restarted and no change. I have seen other issues and posts about issues with the button but none about it not showing up. Has anyone else had trouble with this or seen this?

initial versions:

updated versions:

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Could you try installing everything in a new virtual environment without versions pinned? Hope it helps.

It did work with a fresh environment, strange. Thank you!

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I can’t add the panel preview button too. I’m in a docker environment and tried to insall everything without versions pinned but with no luck.

My jupyter info:

jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 7.29.0
ipykernel        : 6.4.2
ipywidgets       : 7.6.5
jupyter_client   : 7.0.6
jupyter_core     : 4.9.1
jupyter_server   : 1.18.1
jupyterlab       : 3.4.3
nbclient         : 0.5.4
nbconvert        : 6.5.0
nbformat         : 5.1.3
notebook         : 6.4.5
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.1.1

jupyter serverextension list
Config option `kernel_spec_manager_class` not recognized by `ListServerExtensionsApp`.
config dir: /home/jovyan/.jupyter  enabled 
    - Validating...  OK
config dir: /opt/conda/etc/jupyter
    elyra  enabled 
    - Validating...
      elyra  OK
    jupyter_lsp  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyter_lsp 1.5.1 OK
    jupyter_server_proxy  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyter_server_proxy  OK
    jupyter_resource_usage  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyter_resource_usage 0.6.1 OK
    jupyterlab  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyterlab 3.4.3 OK
    jupyterlab_code_formatter  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyterlab_code_formatter 1.5.3 OK
    jupyterlab_git  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyterlab_git 0.37.1 OK
    nbdime  enabled 
    - Validating...
      nbdime 3.1.1 OK
    nbgitpuller  enabled 
    - Validating...
      nbgitpuller 0.10.1 OK

jupyter-panel-proxy       0.1.0                      py_0    conda-forge
panel                     0.13.1           py39h06a4308_0    defaults

And I also install jupyter-panel-proxy package,it works.
Any idea?