Change Sidebar Color in FastListTemplate


I would like to change the color of the sidebar background in the Fast themes.
The parameter background_color changes the main area and header_background changes the header color.
Which parameter do I have to use to change the sidebar background color? Up to now it stays always white or dark (depending on theme).

Thank you for the support!

Hi @wolfgangh

Welcome to the community.

If you want a gray sidebar and white main area you can set main_layout=None. Its becoming my favorite.

import panel as pn


TEXT = "Panel"

length = pn.widgets.IntSlider(value=len(TEXT), end=len(TEXT), name="length")

def text(value):
    return "⭐"*value

layout = pn.Column(length, pn.bind(text, length))

    site="Panel", title="App", sidebar=["Description"], main=[layout], main_layout=None
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If you want more control you can use css

.sidenav#sidebar {
    background-color: yellow;

import panel as pn


TEXT = "Panel"

length = pn.widgets.IntSlider(value=len(TEXT), end=len(TEXT), name="length")

def text(value):
    return "⭐"*value

layout = pn.Column(length, pn.bind(text, length))

.sidenav#sidebar {
    background-color: yellow;

    site="Panel", title="App", sidebar=["Description"], main=[layout], main_layout=None, raw_css=[RAW_CSS]