Cmap arguments not accepted as tuples

I recently upgraded holoviews to version 1.13+ (and many of my other packages to the most recent versions) and found that many of my plots no longer worked due to a cmap TypeError:

TypeError: cmap argument ('#471669', '#472B7A', '#423E85', '#3B518A', '#33618D', '#2C718E',
 '#26808E', '#208F8C', '#1E9E88', '#27AD80', '#3DBB74', '#5BC862', '#81D34C', '#AADB32', 
'#D4E11A') expects a list, Cycle or valid matplotlib, bokeh, or colorcet colormap or palette.

The cmap argument was taken directly from bokeh.palettes.Category10_10, which returns a tuple. I’m not exactly sure if an update to bokeh.palettes or to holoviews changes, but it seems to me that tuples should be an accepted form of cmap—all I have to do is wrap the argument in a list() and it works.

I might be missing something technical here within holoviews, and if so I can go through and edit my package to work with this, but it seems like an odd behavior otherwise and wanted to mention it before I did that.

Thanks, could you file a HoloViews issue we should probably just accept the tuples.