I am trying to represent two graphs from the same DataFrame. The data has a column that indicates which cluster it belongs to.
The problem is that although I can make the clusters look different colors, the same cluster does not have the same color in both graphs.
This is the fragment of the code that I’m using:
df.hvplot.points(x='angle', y='amplitude_log', c='cluster', cmap = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10,
colorbar=True, datashade = True,
width=500, height=400).opts(
tools=['lasso_select', 'box_select']) +
df.hvplot.points(x='x', y='y', c='cluster', cmap = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10, colorbar=True, legend='top', datashade = True,
width=500, height=400).opts(
tools=['lasso_select', 'box_select'])
Any ideas on how to make it work? The idea is to have the colors matching in both graphs. Thanks in advance