Dependency decorator without using string notation

How can I use c = param.Boolean(False)
in dependency decorator without using string notation ‘c’. I mean Is there any way to use c other than string ‘c’ ?

import param
import panel as pn

class Example(param.Parameterized):
    c = param.Boolean(False)

    def __init__(self):

    @param.depends(c, watch=True)  #  any way rather than 'c' ??
    def sum(self):
        print("***", self.c)
        if self.c:
            return True
            return False

example = Example()
pn.Row(example.param, pn.panel(example.sum)).servable()

It sounds like you’d like to use the identifier c to refer to this parameter instead of the string 'c'? Yes, that’s what we’d rather do as well, but I believe that’s not supported in Python because the identifier c is not yet bound to anything when the depends decorator is processed. Or maybe it’s that c is bound to the class’s copy of the Parameter, but in the instance it needs to refer to the instance’s copy. Anyway, I don’t recall the details, just that we had to use a string here instead.