Deploying my hugging face Panel app on Azure web apps

Following the excellent instructions at Hugging Face — Panel v1.4.3 ( I deployed my Panel app at:
COAWST Explorer - a Hugging Face Space by rsignell

with files at:
rsignell/COAWST_Explorer at main (

I would like to try deploying this same app on Azure webapps, but the instructions at Microsoft Azure — Panel v1.4.3 ( were a bit thinner, perhaps assuming some knowledge of Azure web apps (I have none).

I tried to find a full recipe for deploying a Panel app on Azure web apps, hoping for a blog post or youtube video, but didn’t find anything.

Can anyone recommend good resources for taking my HuggingFace files and deploying on Azure web apps?

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Are you on Discord? The Panel community there has an example of an app deployed to Azure that was just posted!

I’m on Discord. Okay, is this the link you had in mind?
dwr-psandhu/conda-pack-docker: conda pack environment for docker (

Hi @rsignell. See the message I meant below. Can you join the discussion there? Just asked him how he deployed to Azure :slight_smile:

@coderambling thanks, I did join that discussion, and I’ll report back when I succeed!


You might also find inspiration in Microsoft Azure — Panel v1.4.4 (

Thanks @marc. I started with that, but it seems to assume that one knows more Azure apps than I do. I’m working on that though.

Hey Rich. If those other resources and help on Discord don’t get you to the finish line, I’m happy to help. I also had zero Azure experience last year when I started working on deploying a panel app to Azure. Here is my app on Azure:

If you can run your app using an environment built with pip only, you’re good to go, and I can show you the steps (and/or share them here, when I have time to clean up my notes). That’s what I’m doing. If you need conda, you’ll need to go the docker route.


@emiliom ooh, a little hand holding would be mighty fine, as I find it all a bit confusing! I’ll ping you offline to see if we can schedule 1/2 hour of shared screen time! And that’s a mighty fine looking Panel app you’ve made there!

Sounds good. And glad you like the panel app!

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Hi @emiliom . Cool app! Would be great if you could share your Azure deployment approach and / or recipe.

Thanks. I’ve wanted to post the Azure deployment details but haven’t had the time. I’ll try.

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Even just a copy / paste of your deployment script would be great!