A bit of context (because science): I have written a panel gui to reduce data gathered with an instrument, and I am repeating the process for different instrument. However, the new instrument is a bit more complex in terms of its detectors.
Currently I (and other users of the open source program) am able to just import raw data as a pandas dataframe and put it into a param dataframe just fine. However, for the updated version I need to be able to prompt the user to input their analytes and the detector type that measured that particular analyte. I’d like to generate a pop-up upon data upload in order to do this. I looked around a bit but could not find a straightforward way to do this and I’d prefer not to use css. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
I am looking for something along the lines of:
def _uploadfile(self):
if self.file_path != 'Insert File Path':
df = pd.read_excel(self.file_path,sheet_name='Data')
self.input_data = df
# begin where I am looking for help
generate pop_up ....
# end where I'm looking for a solution, continue data wrangling below
A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!