Dynamic rotation (azimuth and elevation) of hv.Scatter3D

I have a DataFrame with a lot of columns.
I create a dataset with the X,Y,Z columns, and a 4th column which can be selected for the 3D scatter interactively, by the user of the Panel app.

Here’s how I do it. I first define the plotting function:

def plot3d(column='Moment Magnitude'):
    dataset3d = hv.Dataset((df['Easting (m)'], df['Northing (m)'], df['Depth (m)'], df[column]),['x', 'y', 'z'], 'value')
    sc = hv.Scatter3D(dataset3d).opts(opts.Scatter3D(azimuth=60, elevation=20, s=50, 
                                                     color = 'value', cmap = 'inferno', fig_size=300))
    return sc

then the app:

column  = pn.widgets.Select( value='Moment Magnitude', options=list(df.columns))
reactive_plot = pn.bind(plot3d, column)
widgets = pn.Column("Select data column", column)
app = pn.Row(reactive_plot, widgets)

My question is, with this approach, what would be the easiest way to add sliders for controlling dynamically the azimuth and elevation parameters and allow rotating the plot?

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The easiest way would be to create more widgets and bind them to your function:

def plot3d(column, az, elev):
    dataset3d = hv.Dataset((df['Easting (m)'], df['Northing (m)'], df['Depth (m)'], df[column]),['x', 'y', 'z'], 'value')
    sc = hv.Scatter3D(dataset3d).opts(opts.Scatter3D(azimuth=az, elevation=elev, s=50, 
                                                     color = 'value', cmap = 'inferno', fig_size=300))
    return sc

column  = pn.widgets.Select( value='Moment Magnitude', options=list(df.columns))
azlider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(value=60, start=-180, end=180)
elevaider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(value=20, start=0, end=90)
widgets = pn.Column("Select data column", column, azlider, elevaider)
reactive_plot = pn.bind(plot3d, column, azlider, elevaider)
app = pn.Row(reactive_plot, widgets)

This is following the reactive function API which you can read about here and look at the other ways of using Panel APIs, as each has pros and cons.



It worked like a charm, thank you!

The only thing I changed was to add names to the sliders:

azlider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name='azimuth', value=60, start=-180, end=180)
elevaider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name='elevation', value=20, start=0, end=90)

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