Easiest way to trigger all watchers of an rx function

If I have a function that takes no arguments, but still needs to feed into an rx network as an input, what’s the best way to “tick” that function to all its watchers? Or send them all an event where old=new=rx.value , so we miss the watchers that only care about changes.

In other areas of code for this, I added a dummy “dirty” kwarg to a wrapper lambda, so that you could update the rx by incrementing it, but that’s not a great solution IMO

Parameters.trigger() seems like exactly what I would want, but I can’t work out how to do the same thing with rx. Tracking it back I got as far as Parameter.set on the Wrapper parametre, but there’s some logic around gathering all watchers and _param__private that I don’t grasp yet.

Thanks for any help you can give.