Formating Text in a python panel

I am creating a dashboard for some metrics using the python panel library in Jupyter Labs. I am using python 3.8.3, pandas 1.0.5 and panel 0.9.7.

I am displaying a panel depending on a value chosen in a panel widget. I would like to change the font color of the numbers in the panel depending on its value, that is, any number below a threshold should be green and any number above should be red.

The below code is an example of the code I am using. In this example I would like to change the font color to red in the displaying panel for any number above 5 and change to green any number below 5.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated

import pandas as pd 
import panel as pn
# initialize list of lists 
data = [['A','January',10],['A','February',7],['A','March',5],['B','January',4],['B','February',8],['B','March',12] ] 
# Create the pandas DataFrame 
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Type', 'Month','Metric']) 

#lists creation

#widget creation
dd_types = pn.widgets.Select(name='Select the type to display report:', options=type_list)

#filter df function
def display_panel(value):
    table = df[df.Type==value].pivot_table(values='Metric',index='Type',columns='Month')
    return pn.panel(table)

# create relation between widgets
def get_parameters(value):
    return display_panel(value)

# arrange and correlate widgets and functions
report_area = pn.Row(dd_types, get_parameters)

Hi @guidozamora

Please look at this page:
The inline style options might already give you what you need.

For more complex styling you could use a html pane, which is documented here:

Thanks a lot @Leonidas I will look into the documentation!

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Hi @guidozamora

Since what you are looking to do is styling a Pandas DataFrame you could look into the Pandas Styling Documentation.

You can use that together with a Panel pane.

import pandas as pd
import panel as pn

# initialize list of lists
data = [['A','January',10],['A','February',7],['A','March',5],['B','January',4],['B','February',8],['B','March',12] ]

# Create the pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Type', 'Month','Metric'])

#lists creation

#widget creation
dd_types = pn.widgets.Select(name='Select the type to display report:', options=type_list)

# See
def custom_style(val):
    color = 'red' if val > 5 else 'green'
    return 'color: %s' % color

#filter df function
def display_panel(value):

    table = df[df.Type==value].pivot_table(values='Metric',index='Type',columns='Month')
    styled_table =
    return pn.panel(styled_table)

# create relation between widgets
def get_parameters(value):
    return display_panel(value)

# arrange and correlate widgets and functions
report_area = pn.Row(dd_types, get_parameters)


Thanks a lot for your response. I was able to set the df with the format I wanted and it worked perfectly when I execute the code directly. But when I put it into a function and return the styled dataframe I keep the color but lose some other formatting (spacing, alignment, the shadows every row, the line below the the column names)

Example of current code

import pandas as pd
import panel as pn

initialize list of lists

data = [[‘A’,‘January’,900],[‘A’,‘February’,7675],[‘A’,‘March’,50],[‘B’,‘January’,4345],[‘B’,‘February’,432],[‘B’,‘March’,1200] ]

def custom_style(val):
color = ‘red’ if val > 500 else ‘black’
return ‘color: %s’ % color

Create the pandas DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = [‘Type’, ‘Month’,‘Metric’])

#lists creation

#widget creation
dd_types = pn.widgets.Select(name=‘Select the type to display report:’, options=type_list)

#filter df function
def display_panel(value):

table = df[df.Type==value].pivot_table(values='Metric',index='Type',columns='Month')
styled_table ='{:,.0f}')
return pn.panel(styled_table)

create relation between widgets

def get_parameters(value):
return display_panel(value)

arrange and correlate widgets and functions

report_area = pn.Row(dd_types, get_parameters)


Actually looking at the picture you posted, it looks like you also lose those formatting…