Getting Tabulator to display all columns

Hello there, sorry if this is something very obvious but I am very new in the programming world. I am having issues when combining long column names in my dataframe with the Tabulator widget (panel version 1.5.3, installed via conda). Here is the minimal working example:

import panel as pn
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "John WithALongName": [1, 2, 3],
    "Albert WithAnEvenLongerName": ["d", "d", "d"],
    "Robert WithQuiteALongName": ["d", "d", "d"],
    "Jack WithShortName": ["d", "d", "d"],
    "Elisa WithTheLongestNameYouCanThinkOfAndEvenLonger": ["d", "d", "d"],
    "Thomas Shortest": ["d", "d", "d"],
    "Tina NotThatLongName": ["d", "d", "d"],


tab = pn.widgets.Tabulator(df, width=800, frozen_columns=[0])


After panel serve --autoreload you will see that the frozen column is not really frozen and moves out of the frame after passing column #5. Also these last columns look different from a visual perspective. I suspected an issue with the VirtualDome of Tabulator and tried to disable it using e.g. configuration={“renderHorizontal”: “basic”} but whatever I tried nothing worked. There was a similar issue in 2022 but it was reported as solved (Only part of the Tabulator widget displayed after an update · Issue #3695 · holoviz/panel · GitHub) that’s why I did not dare to open an issue in GitHub. Can somebody help me perhaps? Thanks a lot!

After a long time of troubleshooting I found out that panel version 1.5.2 works, 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 do not.

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@wcstrache1 thanks for digging into that, could you please open an issue on GitHub · Where software is built?

Thanks for opening the issue @wcstrache1 !