Getting the range of holoviews Tiles x/y axis that is rendered

Hi all,

Is there any way to query from holoviews the actual rendered range of the x/y axis of the tiles?

I am trying to find the extents of the x/y axis for a holoviews.Tiles element that will be actually drawn as I am using holoviews.Tiles to generate a 2D texture that will then be mapped onto a 3D wavefront .obj mesh 3D object.

The issue is that to know the proper uv coordinates for the texture, I need to know the actual bounds of the rendered image and I cant seem to query these details from holoviews.

The bounds used for rendering are not what I set but seem to be extended based on the required pixel width/height and maintaining a 1:1 ratio of x/y for the tiles which makes sense.

A standalone example is below which produces the following rendered image (notice the y axis is larger than the bounding box):

The output shows that when querying the extents/dimension range they don’t report the rendered range but the data range. Is there some way to obtain the larger range used in rendering?

tiles.extents:(None, None, None, None)
tiles.y_dim.range:(-4095604.7874389277, -4094051.5798278735)
tiles.y_dim.soft_range:(None, None)

graph.y_dim.range:(-4095604.7874389277, -4094051.5798278735)
graph.y_dim.soft_range:(None, None)
Notice that all ranges queried are identical to bounds bottom:-4095604.7874389277, top:-4094051.5798278735 but the image generated is larger

Below is the stand alone code example

import holoviews

left, bottom = 16792083.677355718, -4095604.7874389277
right, top = 16794808.81422369, -4094051.5798278735

renderer = holoviews.renderer('bokeh').instance(mode='server')
tiles = holoviews.Tiles('{Z}/{X}/{Y}@2x.png', name="Wikipedia").opts(width=600, height=600, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, toolbar=None)

# Adjust the framing of the tiles to show the area we care about and not the entire world
tiles = tiles.redim(
	x=holoviews.Dimension('x', range=(left, right)), 
	y=holoviews.Dimension('y', range=(bottom, top))

# Lets draw a box over the top to be clear where the original boundary is
bounds = holoviews.Bounds((left, bottom, right, top))
graph = holoviews.Overlay([tiles, bounds]), 'graph.png')

# Log possible locations to find the actual rendered range
y_dim = tiles.get_dimension(1)
print('tiles.extents:' + str(tiles.extents))
print('tiles.y_dim.range:' + str(y_dim.range))
print('tiles.y_dim.soft_range:' + str(y_dim.soft_range))

y_dim = graph.get_dimension(1)
# graph.extents doesnt exist for an Overlay
print('graph.y_dim.range:' + str(y_dim.range))
print('graph.y_dim.soft_range:' + str(y_dim.soft_range))

print ('Notice that all ranges queried are identical to bounds bottom:'+str(bottom)+', top:'+str(top)+' but the image generated is larger')

I am not sure if the data model of bokeh even easily permits this. The plot's y_range.start, y_range.end properties refer to min/max of the data. Tiles are not included in here.

The corresponding bokeh object does not seem to expose anything like that either:

p = hv.render(graph)
from bokeh.models import WMTSTileSource
tiles ={'type': WMTSTileSource})

but maybe you’d fare better asking over at the bokeh discourse.

As a workaround you could set aspect=(right-left)/(top-bottom) as an option instead of frame height/width, or calculate the corners based on your data (supposing noone will zoom or pan in the meantime).


I will try the workaround and see how it goes. I wasn’t considering aspect so thanks for the suggestion. I was originally considering that there appears to be a consistent behavior in how it chooses to frame the tiles and I would just replicate that in my code to guess what it chose.

This sort of feature if not available is likely I imagine something that is difficult to achieve. I will try a post on bokeh and see what response I get. My issue is I have been using holoviews so I don’t have to think about bokeh very much so creating examples for them is a bit more effort :slight_smile:

Using the aspect and accounting for the white border seems to work ok as a work-around for this. Thanks for the suggestion