GV.points not plotting properly

I am getting this issue in a jupyterlab environment where gv.points is not plotting properly.

geoviews: 1.10.1
bokeh: 3.2.1

import pandas as pd
import geoviews as gv

df5 = pd.DataFrame({
“Station”: [“4R5”, “AIK”, “BNL”, “DCM”, “VDI”],
“Lat”: [46.7887, 33.6494, 33.2578, 34.7893, 32.1900],
“Lon”: [-90.7587, -81.6850, -81.3883, -81.1958, -82.3700],

vdims = [‘Station’]

ds = gv.Dataset(df5, kdims=kdims)
plot = (ds.to(gv.Points, [“Lon”, “Lat”], vdims=vdims))‘’’

This is what I get:


What version of HoloViews?

it is holoviews version 1.17.0, could the issue be how things are rendering in jupyterlab?

Hard to say. Can you try running hv.show_versions?

Python : 3.11.4 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 10 2023, 18:08:17) [GCC 12.2.0]
Operating system : Linux-5.4.17-2136.321.4.1.el8uek.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.28
holoviews : 1.17.0

bokeh : 3.2.1
colorcet : 3.0.1
cudf : -
dask : 2023.7.1
datashader : 0.15.1
geoviews : 1.10.1
hvplot : 0.8.4
ibis : -
IPython : 8.14.0
jupyter_bokeh : -
jupyterlab : 4.0.3
matplotlib : 3.7.1

From personal experience of something similar, I noticed I encounter this issue almost exclusively within notebooks. Does the problem persist when rendering in the browser instead?