Help with Panel + React + MaterialUI

Hello, I’m trying to combine Panel + React v18 + MaterialUI as shown below, but the result is a button with plain HTML style instead of a Material styled button (see screenshot at the end). What am I missing in the code below to get it right?

import panel as pn
import param


class Hello(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    clicks = param.Number(default=0)
    _template = """<div id="mywidget"></div>"""
    _scripts = {
        "render": """
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(mywidget);
                    MaterialUI.Button, {
                        variant: "contained", 
                        color: "primary", 
                        children: "Hello", 
                        onClick: () => {data.clicks = data.clicks + 1}

    __javascript__ = [


OK, the code above works. I had to shut down the Jupyter Notebook server and then try again.



I’ve tried to run the code in a server context with Panel 1.2.3. But I cannot get it styled. It looks like


Does React + MaterialUI actually work with Panel 1.x? I’ve found indications that it does not in Support Shadow DOM · Issue #17473 · mui/material-ui ( It seems React and MaterialUI does not support ShadowDOM which is used by Panel 1.x/ Bokeh 3.x.

import panel as pn
import param


class Hello(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    clicks = param.Number(default=0)
    _template = """<div id="mywidget"></div>"""
    _scripts = {
        "render": """
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(mywidget);
                    MaterialUI.Button, {
                        variant: "contained", 
                        color: "primary", 
                        children: "Hello", 
                        onClick: () => {data.clicks = data.clicks + 1}

    __javascript__ = [


I’ve found something here that might help

Shadow DOM - Material UI (

I thought the below would work, but it still does not add styles

import panel as pn
import param


class Hello(pn.reactive.ReactiveHTML):
    clicks = param.Number(default=0)
    _template = """<style id="emotionRoot"></style><div id="mywidget"></div>"""
    _scripts = {
        "render": """
            const {
            } = createEmotion({
                key: 'css',
                prepend: true,
                container: emotionRoot,
            const {CacheProvider}=emotionReact
            const button = React.createElement(
                MaterialUI.Button, {
                    variant: "contained", 
                    color: "primary", 
                    children: "Hello", 
                    onClick: () => {data.clicks = data.clicks + 1}
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(mywidget);
                React.createElement(CacheProvider, {value: cache}, button)

    __javascript__ = [


It would be great if MaterialUI worked with Panel v1 as it did with the previous version. Thanks for reviving this issue, Marc.

1 Like

Yeah it is a very unfortunate limitation. It really limits what libraries we can combine with Panel. It is also often not clear if something is going to work. Maybe it is a question for Bokeh but it would be nice to be able to opt out of using shadow doms for selected components.