Holomap of a stack of datashader rasterized Points lose dynamics when convert to layout

I have a holomap created with a stack of rasterized Points. The direct plotted holomap is dynamically rasterized while the layout of it isn’t.

Here is a minimum example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
import holoviews.operation.datashader as hd
import datashader as ds

lon = np.array([8.75,8.76,8.77])
lat = np.array([46.1,46.2,46.3])
index = np.array([0,1,2])
dates = np.arange(4)
temp = np.random.random((4,3))

point_stack = {date: hv.Points(pd.DataFrame({'lon':lon,'lat':lat,'temp':temp[i,:]}), kdims=['lon','lat'], vdims=['temp']) for i, date in enumerate(dates)}

hmap = hv.HoloMap(point_stack, kdims='Dates')
hmap = hd.dynspread(hd.rasterize(hmap, aggregator=ds.first('temp'),vdim_prefix=''))

hmap # it plot perfectly

hmap.layout() # it loses the dynamics

The result of the failed one after zoom in looks like:

I am using

holoviews 1.18.0
datashader 0.15.2

I can reproduce, and I don’t see any reason that should happen. Please file a bug report on the HoloViews github site. Thanks!

Thanks for your reply! It is opened here: Holomap of a stack of datashader rasterized Points lose dynamics after converting to layout · Issue #5965 · holoviz/holoviews (github.com)