holoviews.core.data.interface.DataError: MultiInterface subpaths must all have matching datatype

Hi all,
I’m building a dictionary of paths to pass to hv.NdLayout as below.
This simplified version is working well. But when I’m doing similar things in my dashboard, it throws this error “holoviews.core.data.interface.DataError: MultiInterface subpaths must all have matching datatype.”

My question is that what does this error complaining about exactly? To me all the paths have matching datatype.

I found the source code, but it didn’t help.

import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
import holoviews as hv

dim_paths_dict = {
    "az_": [
                datetime.strptime("2023-11-04 07:29:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    "el_": [
                datetime.strptime("2023-11-04 07:29:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    "r_": [
                datetime.strptime("2023-11-04 07:29:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    "speed": [],
ts_dict = {
    "az_": hv.Path(dim_paths_dict["az_"]),
    "r_": hv.Path(dim_paths_dict["r_"]),
    "el_": hv.Path(dim_paths_dict["el_"]),
    "speed": hv.Path(dim_paths_dict["speed"]),
ts = hv.NdLayout(ts_dict, kdims="Dimension")

another example of notebook behaving different from panel serve. Removing all the empty paths from the lists, eliminated the error in panel serve environment. Notebook seemed to be cool with all the empty paths.