Holoviews display image index instead of coordinates in the tooltip

I have a hv.Image plot, however instead of displaying

     TOOLTIPS = [
          ("x", "$x{0,0.00} m"),
          ("y", "$y{0,0.00} m"),
          ("value", "@image"),

using bokeh’s HoverTool
I would like to display indexes of x and y.
if x and y are coordinates of image their indexes are obtained using np.arange(len(x)) and np.arange(len(y)) respectively.

Is there a way i can do the following logic in tooltips

          ("x", f"{np.arange(len(x))} "),
          ("y", f"{np.arange(len(y))}"),
          ("value", "@image"),

Can you create a new column of the data and reference @x_index?

No because I have an image and I have x and y coordinates. My image is a 2 dimensional numpy array