HoloViz Examples Gallery Modernization

We are very happy to announce that, thanks to the hard work of Jason (jtao1 (Junshen Tao) · GitHub) and Isaiah (Azaya89 (Azaya) · GitHub), the HoloViz Examples Gallery at https://examples.holoviz.org has been modernized, with:

  • 15 examples updated (API following the current best practices, newer Python version, improved narrative, etc.)
  • an enhanced contributor guide
  • a new example authored by Isaiah analyzing a dataset of the FIFA World Cup 2018 with HoloViews and Panel

Learn more about this work sponsored by NumFocus in our latest blog post.

In case you didn’t know about https://examples.holoviz.org, you will find on this website more than 40 real-world examples that combine multiple HoloViz tools into domain-specific workflows (geospatial, finance, neuroscience, mathematics, cybersecurity, etc.). These examples go beyond demonstrating individual tools—they tell data stories. This makes it easier to understand how to use the tools together and apply them to practical problems.