Holoviz Panel - Inter-process communication

Hi all,

this is likely a stupid question, but I can’t seem to find a good way to approach this. The core of it is simple; I want a Panel UI with a remote connection to some complex backend service. Ideally, I’d use zmq or tcp port. I can’t seem to find a way to have this connection non-blocking and integrated within my panel app. In essence I want a button to send a command on the port (easy enough); but then I want to listen for a reply and still have the UI functional while this happens. I’ve seen the streamz examples, but I’m not sure how to approach non-stream communications.

Any pointers would help, thanks!

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Hi @jeswork

I think you would be looking to use async interfaces. Panel works really great with async.

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ChatFeed is written mostly asynchronously if you need an example, panel/panel/chat/feed.py at 4e4c82b0426615dcfcdfe0dbc2f52c45a9278a5e · holoviz/panel · GitHub

For a toy example, see

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Thanks! I’ll check it out!