How best to package a holoviews plotting routine?

I have a number of functions that I find useful enough to consider packaging them in some way. E.g.,

def spikes(data, y_base=0, dims=["Time", "x"], label="Signal", curve=True):
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        t=np.arange(0,len(data), 1)

    vlines = [ np.array( [[t[i], y_base], [t[i], s[i]]]) for i in range(len(s)) ]

    hs = hv.Path( vlines, kdims=dims, label=label ).opts( show_legend=True, muted_alpha=0., color='black')

    if curve: hs = hs * hv.Curve((t,s), dims[0], dims[1], label=label).opts(line_width=0.8)
    return hs

def cx_spikes(data, dims=["Time", "x"], y_base=0, curve=False):
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        t=np.arange(0,len(data), 1)
    h = hv.Overlay([
            *spikes((t, np.real(s)), y_base=y_base, label='real', curve=True).opts( "Path", color='blue'),
            *spikes((t, np.imag(s)), y_base=y_base, label='imag', curve=True).opts( "Path", color='red')])
    return h

I am looking for recommendations for the best way to do so?

  • how to modify the code to fit the Holoviews implementation style?
  • how to set this up to work with either bokeh or matplotlib
  • where and how to install it for easy access?
  • whatever else I am missing

I started a new repository:

I’d dearly love to hear suggestions on how to improve on the functions…

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