How to only trigger update from Ace when done editing?

I’m creating an app as a param.Parameterized class. The app enables the user to edit some css using the Ace widget and updates the css style of the app accordingly.

My problem is that each change of the text in Ace triggers an update of the css style which slows down my app.

How do I solve this problem?


If I use the app to change “Hello World” to “Handle Panel World” I get 6 updates but would have wanted 1.

import panel as pn
import param


class Editor(param.Parameterized):
    code = param.String("print('Hello World')")
    update_count = param.Integer(0)
    view = param.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, **params):

        self.view = pn.Param(self, parameters=["code", "update_count"], widgets={"code": pn.widgets.Ace})

    @param.depends("code", watch=True)
    def _update_count(self):


Additional Context

If I use the TextAreaInput input instead I get the expected behaviour.

import panel as pn
import param


class Editor(param.Parameterized):
    code = param.String("print('Hello World')")
    update_count = param.Integer(0)
    view = param.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, **params):

        self.view = pn.Param(self, parameters=["code", "update_count"], widgets={"code": pn.widgets.TextAreaInput})

    @param.depends("code", watch=True)
    def _update_count(self):


This is interesting! I have a script area where I can send commands to my instrument. I want the opposite behavior though, because if I type something in the TextAreaInput and immediately press the start button, it sends an empty command.

TextAreaInput has value_input and value though, which Ace does not seem to have.

I’ll test Ace instead, and report back if I find something related to your question :slight_smile: