How to port the plot parameters from bokeh holoviews Image to matplotlib gif

How can I port the plot parameters from bokeh holoviews Image to a matplotlib gif. I know pretty sure that it needs to be possible, because I did it yesterday (s. screenshot from gif:
the plot params, such as the colorbar were created with bokeh)
, but somehow I can’t reproduce it anymore, although the code is the same.

The relevant code:

rand, x, y, z, step = np.random.randn(2, 10, 10, 10), np.linspace(0, 10, 10), np.linspace(0, 10, 10), np.linspace(0, 10, 10), [0, 1]
xa2 = xr.DataArray(rand, coords=dict(step=step, x=x, y=y, z=z, )
             , dims=["step", "x", "y", "z"], name="field2") 
hv_dst = hv.Dataset(xa2)
hv_imt =
fig = hv.render(hv_imt.opts(colorbar=True, width=500, height=400, cmap='seismic', clim=(-10**-3, 10**-3)), backend='matplotlib')
test2 ="testissue.gif", fps=0.5, dpi=200,)

I would have expected that testissue.gif contained a colorbar and so on, but it doesn’t…

I also tried with dynamic=True, but didn’t help.

Thanks in advance!

This is the result that I got:

No colorbar can be seen, the colormap is not seismic and so on…

I was able to fix it with hv.extension('matplotlib') instead of hv.extension('bokeh' ,'matplotlib').
And then, fig_size=500, cmap='seismic', clim=(-10**-3, 10**-3)), fmt="gif", backend="matplotlib", filename="test3", fps=1), without needing to render.

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