How to set the text in an SVG image as text instead of paths when saving the SVG, so that it can be edited in Adobe Illustrator?

How to set the text in an SVG image as text instead of paths when saving the SVG, so that it can be edited in Adobe Illustrator?

Can you share how you exported it? Is it through bokeh? If so, you may want to raise an issue in Bokeh GitHub

Thanks for the reply, I used the following code for plotting and saving:

import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
macro_df = pd.read_csv('', delimiter='\t')
key_dimensions   = [('year', 'Year'), ('country', 'Country')]
value_dimensions = [('unem', 'Unemployment'), ('capmob', 'Capital Mobility'),
                    ('gdp', 'GDP Growth'), ('trade', 'Trade')]
macro = hv.Table(macro_df, key_dimensions, value_dimensions)['Year', 'Country'], 'Trade', []).opts(
    opts.Bars(aspect=3, color=hv.Cycle('tab20'), legend_position='right', fig_size=300, legend_cols=2, stacked=True, xrotation=90))
bars, 'trade_bars.svg')

If you export matplotlib plots in SVG does it use paths too?


If so, I think it’s a matplotlib issue.

When I change to the above command, the generated svg is blank, no graphics

import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
macro_df = pd.read_csv(‘’, delimiter=‘\t’)
key_dimensions = [(‘year’, ‘Year’), (‘country’, ‘Country’)]
value_dimensions = [(‘unem’, ‘Unemployment’), (‘capmob’, ‘Capital Mobility’),
(‘gdp’, ‘GDP Growth’), (‘trade’, ‘Trade’)]
macro = hv.Table(macro_df, key_dimensions, value_dimensions)[‘Year’, ‘Country’], ‘Trade’, ).opts(
opts.Bars(aspect=3, color=hv.Cycle(‘tab20’), legend_position=‘right’, fig_size=300, legend_cols=2, stacked=True, xrotation=90))