How to underlay VSpan without messing up axes?

I want to plot two time series of different amplitudes and shade parts of the plot (using holoviews.VSpan). How to I compose the line plots and the VSpan to not mess up axes but still keeping the shading in the background?

Setup and example data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv

time = pd.date_range("2020-01-01", "2020-12-31")
data_o1 = 1.0 * np.random.normal(size=(len(time, )))
data_o10 = 10.0 * np.random.normal(size=(len(time, )))

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(time=time, data_o1=data_o1, data_o10=data_o10))
df = df.set_index("time")

VSpan * uses wider limits for both

time_span = hv.VSpan(np.datetime64("2020-07-01"), np.datetime64("2020-09-30"))

time_span * (
    df.hvplot.line(y="data_o1", width=300) + df.hvplot.line(y="data_o10", width=300)

No image as Iā€™m a new user and cannot post more than one.

* VSpan keeps adjusted limits

    df.hvplot.line(y="data_o1", width=300) + df.hvplot.line(y="data_o10", width=300)
) * time_span

almost gets us there:

But how do I put the VSpan in the background?

Hi, there is an issue about that #4398

In order to unlink the y-axis, you can specify the dimensions of your Vspan.

And if you want to fix the x-axis, you can set the padding of your VSpan to 0

time_span = hv.VSpan(np.datetime64("2020-07-01"), np.datetime64("2020-09-30"))

(time_span.redim.label(y="data_o1").opts(padding=0)* df.hvplot.line(y="data_o1", width=300) + 
(time_span.redim.label(y="data_o10").opts(padding=0)*df.hvplot.line(y="data_o10", width=300))


Thanks a lot, this is very helpful!

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