hvPlot 0.10 Release

hvPlot 0.10 has been released! This minor release brings a number of enhancements and bugfixes, checkout the release blog post (which also goes over some of the features added in version 0.9.) for a visual summary of the most important enhancements

  • :toolbox: Improving the contributor experience: moving away from pyctdev to a more usual and easier approach, and adopt ruff as a linter and formatter
  • :package: Modernizing hvPlot’s packaging: migrating to pyproject.toml
  • :open_book: Improving the documentation: adding a user guide on large time-series and improving the geographic user guide
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Enhancing the plotting API: in part to support the NumFocus SDG project that aims to modernize the HoloViz Examples
  • :bug: Fixing bugs!

Many thanks to @ahuang11, @droumis, @Hoxbro, @jsignell, and @maximlt for their contributions!