Ignore nans in scatter plot?

Hi! I am making a scatter plot from a DataFrame with hvplot. My data contain nans, and they show up in the plot as gray circles.

I would like to ignore the nan values instead of having them plot. Dropping them before the plot fixes the problem, but it is not an option because I am writing a plot command for an intake catalog entry. I’m hoping for a flag like ignore_nans=True to be able to input in the plot call. Thanks for any help!

Seems like a nice idea to support ignore_nans in hvPlot. For now I think youd have to add .opts(clipping_colors={'NaN': 'transparent'}).

Oh and sorry for the slow reply!

Thank you! I will try this out.

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Opened an issue to add support for this directly in hvPlot: https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/issues/655