Installing panel / pyviz-comms problems

What python / jupyter / jupyterlab / holoviews versions do I need to install for a working system?
I do not want to use conda…

I was eager to try the new panel version, and got myself into trouble.

  • Deleted everything (i.e., my complete python installation) and started from scratch, letting pip install whatever current versions. No luck!
  • Symptom: interact, DynamicMaps execute the associated functions but do not update the plots

Operating system: Windows 11
jupyter labextension list output says these extensions are outdated:

  •    @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v5.0.7 enabled  **X** 
  •    @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz v2.3.0 enabled  **X** 

python version: 3.10.11
jupyter --version
IPython : 8.13.2
ipykernel : 6.23.1
ipywidgets : 8.0.6
jupyter_client : 8.2.0
jupyter_core : 5.3.0
jupyter_server : 2.5.0
jupyterlab : 4.0.0
nbclient : 0.8.0
nbconvert : 7.4.0
nbformat : 5.8.0
notebook : 6.5.4
qtconsole : 5.4.3
traitlets : 5.9.0
jupyterlab version: 4.0.0

Try to downgrade to jupyterlab <4 and update jupyter_bokeh to 3.0.7 (if you have it installed)

that worked, thank you!
For reference,
I downgraded to jupyterlab 3.6.3