Ipywidgets based grids suport in panel

Hello, I was testing ipywidgets based grids in servable panel and I found that ipyaggrid in panel struggles with displaying data. As I saw in your docs you have some limitations with ipywidgets and widgets based on it. Can you please provide the list of limitations? Which grids do you support?

Also will leave the code that I have struggles with and screenshot from the console with the error

from ipyaggrid import Grid
import json
import time
from random import randint
from ipywidgets import Button, VBox
import panel as pn
pn.extension(comms='ipywidgets', raw_css=['.bk{width:100% !important; height:100% !important}'])
def generateRandomData():
    data = []
    for i in range(10):
        data.append({'test1': randint(0,100), 'test2': randint(0,100)})
    return data

def cl(a):
    while True:
g = Grid(grid_data = generateRandomData(), grid_options={
    'columnDefs': [
        {'headerName': "Country", 'field': "test1"},
        {'headerName': "Country2", 'field': "test2"},

pn.serve(VBox([g, b]))
