Is it possible select a template from Start Bootstrap and use with panel

Can I arbitrarily select a template from and use pn.template() on it?

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Yes. I have for a long time wanted to do the same. To showcase that it is powerful and how powerful it actually is.

But take your time to find the best template out there. There are many cool ones. Also non Bootstrap ones. For example there is a longer list here 40 Best Free & Responsive Admin Templates 2021 - Colorlib

You can the use the Jinja templating if the output is static and use ReactiveHTML to make parts of the page reactive.

If you take on the challenge please share your progress for inspiration.

If you find and use one based on ApexCharts.js - Open Source JavaScript Charts for your website I would be interested in contributing by wrapping that in to a component similar to panel-highcharts. See Seven HTML Free - Admin Dashboard Template ( and Seven HTML Free - Admin Dashboard Template (


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I begin to use adminLTE, You can see I put some plots inside the divs, but it is time consuming to fully understand the structure of this kind of templates.

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That is also my experience. That it can be quite overwhelming.