Hi all,
I converted my app to a pyodide pwa using the panel convert to --pyodide-worker --pwa command, however I ran into a problem when numpy was used in another package, the Exception: array is too big; arr.size * arr.dtype.itemsize
is larger than the maximum possible size.
was raised. A quick qoogle search lead me to this Stackoverflow post where the reason for this Error is that the 32 bit of either numpy or pthon is used.
I think in this case the reason for the error is likely to be numpy, because if I look into what the converted app loads, it seems that a 32 bit Version of numpy is loaded:
[Service Worker] Fetching resource: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.24.1/pyc/numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-emscripten_3_1_45_wasm32.whl
Is it possible to use a 64bit version of numpy? Or is this question more suited for the pyodide project?
Thanks for your time and help in advance