Is there a way to stop holoviews from resetting extents upon change in selection?

If you zoom in and then change the slider a bit, the map extents resets

import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
import as ccrs
from random import randrange

tiles = hv.element.tiles.EsriImagery()
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')

def plot(time):
    df = ds.sel(time=time).to_dataframe()
    num_points = randrange(5)
    df = df.sample(num_points)
    image = df.hvplot.points(
        'lon', 'lat', color='air', geo=True, xlim=(-150, -50), ylim=(0, 50)
        projection=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR, width=1000, height=500)
    return tiles * image

pn.interact(plot, time=ds['time'].values)

This seems to work, but I couldn’t find a way to get datetime

import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
import as ccrs
from random import randrange

tiles = hv.element.tiles.EsriImagery()
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')

def plot(time):
    df = ds.isel(time=time).to_dataframe()
    num_points = randrange(5)
    df = df.sample(num_points)
    image = df.hvplot.points(
        'lon', 'lat', color='air', geo=True, xlim=(-150, -50), ylim=(0, 50)
        projection=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR, width=1000, height=500)
    return tiles * image

dmap = hv.DynamicMap(plot, kdims=['time']).redim.range(time=(0, 100))

This works

import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
import as ccrs
from random import randrange

tiles = hv.element.tiles.EsriImagery()
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')

def plot(time):
    df = ds.sel(time=time).to_dataframe()
    num_points = randrange(100)
    df = df.sample(num_points)
    image = df.hvplot.points(
        'lon', 'lat', color='air', geo=True, xlim=(-150, -50), ylim=(0, 50)
        projection=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR, width=1000, height=500)
    return tiles * image

dmap = hv.DynamicMap(plot, kdims=['time']).redim.values(time=ds['time'].values)

Hi @ahuang11, do you still get this snippet to work (i.e. no extent resetting after zooming in and moving the time slider)? I’ve just tried it and saw the extent is being reset.

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import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geoviews as gv
import as ccrs
from random import randrange

tiles = gv.tile_sources.EsriImagery()
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')

def plot(time):
    df = ds.sel(time=time).to_dataframe()
    df = df.sample(randrange(5))
    points = gv.Points(df, ["lon", "lat"]).opts(
        projection=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR, global_extent=True, color="white")
    return tiles * points

slider, points = pn.interact(plot, time=ds['time'].values)
layout = pn.Column(slider, points)
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Thanks for your attempt, but no, it’s still not working unfortunately (panel 0.11.3, holoviews 1.14. Now the basemap is flickering while moving the slider. When I have time in the next weeks I’ll try to see how to get a working version of that.

import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geoviews as gv
import as ccrs
from random import randrange


tiles = gv.tile_sources.EsriImagery()
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature')
slider = pn.widgets.DiscreteSlider(options=list(ds["time"].astype(str).values))

def plot(time):
    df = ds.sel(time=time).to_dataframe()
    df = df.sample(randrange(5))
    points = gv.Points(df, ["lon", "lat"]).opts(
        projection=ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR, global_extent=True, color="white")
    return tiles * points

points = gv.DynamicMap(pn.bind(plot, slider.param.value))
pn.Column(slider, points)

try this

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Thanks wonderful it works great!