Issue installing holoviz tutorial

Warning: I am a newbie in both Miniconda/Conda and holoviz.

I an trying to install the excellent holoviz tutorial following:

I have first installed the latest miniconda in an osboxes VM:


Then I have run the usual commands:

conda create -n project “anaconda-project>=0.11”
conda activate project
anaconda-project download pyviz/holoviz_tutorial
cd holoviz_tutorial
anaconda-project run jupyter notebook

The last command fails with this (long) log:

“suspicious” log messages:

Potential issues with this project:

  * anaconda-project-lock.yml: Env spec 'default' has changed since the lock file was last updated (env spec hash has changed from bb0eadf4beaa2b22c7b841150d8e4cb42618999c to e33aab18f46fa82d4d02e9a9261f18cae61b7c7e)

  * anaconda-project-lock.yml: Env spec 'test' has changed since the lock file was last updated (env spec hash has changed from 61ef260560c348328aca81ca22579a3fc3d252ca to 52a32be29aa26d9ad706f8a767d259ef57832612)

  * anaconda-project-lock.yml: Env spec 'doc' has changed since the lock file was last updated (env spec hash has changed from 44164ece41b46e883e7c4c8650493d42d1c91b94 to 15ac1824f1596e87bb1795031cfd9495f24cf89a)

And especially, at the end:

Failed download to /home/osboxes/holoviz_tutorial/data/usgs_logo.png: HTTP 404: Not Found

Previously downloaded file located at /home/osboxes/holoviz_tutorial/data/earthquakes-projected.parq

Previously downloaded file located at /home/osboxes/holoviz_tutorial/data/raster

missing requirement to run this project: USGS Logo

  Environment variable DATA_3 is not set.

(Use Ctrl+C to quit.)

Value for DATA_3: ^C

Am i missing something, or there’s some issue with the tutorial “installer” ?

Thanks in advance!

This is related to the last week’s change in going from master to main in branch naming.

Go into the anaconda-project.yml and change the URL on this line:


It works like a charm… an many thanks for answering so quickly!