Jazz Monitoring Dashboards - Made with Panel and HoloViews

I’am Nauman from Pakistan Islamabad. My initial work is in ISP in servers administration which later become passion for data exploration using AWK and Perl.

Then after joining in Jazz https://jazz.com.pk/ my basic job is to extract data from multivendor Network Servers and engineered it to for interactive data reports.

Using Emacs and Vim like tools i can reach and do scripting for data exploration efficiently

Started programming in python in 2015 converting network performance complex critical manual Excel reports to automated reports .

Then sharing my data exploration in Jupyter notebooks with my peers.

During 2020 Covid early work from home i started using Panel and Holoviews for automotive interactive dashboard application in comparison to my Tableau Dashboards.

Last year i started using Fastapi+Panel+Holoviews and i can say it is at par with Tableau Dashboards .

I really thanks the community in helping me out in my carrier paths

On Linux ETL data is curated from multivendor NMS servers
Use Jupyter notebooks
Pandas and Vaex dataframes aggregated
hvplot,Holoviews,Panel,Fastapi for Dashboards


Congrats on the nice work and video @khannaum. Thanks for sharing.


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