Jitter in both x and y in Points and Scatter

Points and Scatter have a parameter ‘jitter’ that sets a jitters the data points in x if the parameter ‘invert_axes’ is False, and in y if it is True. However, I need to jitter the data points in both x and y simultaneously.

What would be an easy way to do this? Could it be done by modifying

if self.jitter:
            if self.invert_axes:
                mapping['y'] = jitter(dims[yidx], self.jitter, range=self.handles['y_range'])
                mapping['x'] = jitter(dims[xidx], self.jitter, range=self.handles['x_range'])

in get_data() in holoviews/plotting/bokeh/chart.py accordingly?

How can I subclass Scatter to override the get_data() method with a version that handles jitter differently?

I would propose to replace the parameter ‘jitter’ by two separate parameters ‘jitter_x’ and ‘jitter_y’, so that a jitter can be set on the x and the y axis separately, and independently of ‘invert_axes’.
The corresponding code in holoviews/plotting/bokeh/chart.py could look something like this:

if self.jitter_x:
     mapping['x'] = jitter(dims[xidx], self.jitter, range=self.handles['x_range'])
if self.jitter_y:
    mapping['y'] = jitter(dims[yidx], self.jitter, range=self.handles['y_range'])

What do you other users think?