Map marker to visual dimension?

How could I change the following to map the marker style to the “m” variable (rather than the multiple y series)?

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import hvplot.xarray

ds = xr.Dataset({
    "x": np.arange(10),
    "y0": ("x", np.random.random(10)),
    "y1": ("x", np.random.random(10)),
    "m": ("x", [0, 1]*5)
ds.hvplot.scatter(y=["y0", "y1"], marker=hv.Cycle(['s', '+']))

I thought I might pass vdims to Holoviews for use in styling, but vdims do not seem to pass through.

You should be able to use dim transforms:

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import hvplot.xarray
import holoviews as hv

ds = xr.Dataset({
    "x": np.arange(10),
    "y0": ("x", np.random.random(10)),
    "y1": ("x", np.random.random(10)),
    "m": ("x", [0, 1]*5)
ds.hvplot.scatter(y=["y0", "y1"], marker=hv.dim('m').categorize({0: 'triangle', 1: 'circle'}))

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This works however using {0:‘^’, 1:‘o’} doesn’t work (blank plot). Using marker = ‘^’ or marker =‘o’ atleast displays without errors.
The javascript console has this error